Through multiple dimensions of comprehensive and deep analysis on buyers, sellers, country of origin, purchasing cycles and ports of departure or
destination, Globalwits will help customers focus on their target markets effectively and accurately. It is highly recommended that full
utilization of our GTIS3.0 system as supporting tools to map out guiding marketing strategy, product development strategy,
competitive strategy, optimization of production and logistics systems etc.
Summary Reports on Buyers and SellersThis report is purposely designed to analyze the ongoing business activities of any major domestic & overseas buyers and sellers so as to find out any potential sales and marketing opportunities. It is also an indispensible tool to enable users to have a crystal clear picture on market strategies of any other competitors.
Origin Country Summary ReportThis report is designed to analyze the country distribution of the target product and grasp the competitiveness of the goods to be manufactured in that country.
Periodic Summary ReportThis report is designed to analyze active and inactive periods of transactions to guide precision marketing and production.
Summary Report on Trade PortsThis report is designed to analyze the distributions of departure ports, destination ports, overseas loading ports so as to help optimize logistics systems for transport businesses.
Statistics & Analysis on Competitors' Cargo ExportThis report is specifically designed to help analyze competitors, new comers or previous participants and it also analyze its own positions among other competitors so as to make a right decision for future development.
Statistics on the Transaction Price in Global MarketsThis report is purposely designed to help analyze overall market price trends or price trends for target markets so as to find the profitable business partners for upcoming business negotiation in promising markets.